Radical Studios @RadicalDylan

Age 33, Male

Computer Engineering

Joined on 2/25/06

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RadicalDylan's News

Posted by RadicalDylan - January 13th, 2011

Sign up today, and participate to accumulate points that can go towards great prizes.
Regular prize drawing also occur for anyone who comments.
At the same time, you can learn all the latest and greatest video game news.
What more could you want?


Posted by RadicalDylan - January 4th, 2010

Sign up and you could be a winner...
Is there really any more reason?
Join Today!

Posted by RadicalDylan - August 14th, 2009

www.ABP.com is looking for beta testers and original music to be in the game.

for more information on submitting original music, either visit the site and click on the "license music" button... or visit this thread. http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/10 93739

Posted by RadicalDylan - June 17th, 2009

Ok, everyone knows that the summer is never a good time to buy console games...
Usually they are all junk names, or games that are made around a movie... (GhostBusters)
I mean seriously? have they run out of ideas...

We all know this fall has some major titles coming out, "Modern Warfare 2", "Halo:ODST", "Assassin's creed 2", and a wary title (mixed opinions here) "Left 4 Dead 2"...
So it was wise for [prototype] to release when it did...

[ProtoType] doesn't compare to these other brilliant games and wouldn't have stood a chance, but as a summer release, [prototype] rules!

The story is junk, and there is no multiplayer functionality, but if you like open world gameplay, and tons of gore this is definitely a game to pick up...

It has kept me entertained ever since it was released... I finally got around to completing all the story missions, and I'm now restarting on the harder difficulty...

I would literally spend hours just traveling from one military base, to another military base slaughtering everyone in my path....

The game is a third person, kill everything, type of game and takes place during a virus break out in new york city. You play as Alex Mercer who has these devastating powers but no memory of who he is, how he got this way, or why the military is trying to kill him. Through out the game you must consume various targets in order to "remember" who you are and progress farther in the game finally finding the one person responsible for all of what happened.

You can increase your character's strength with EP (evelutionary points).
with EP you can buy upgrades that can make you run faster, jump higher, move swifter in the air... or even buy new weapons of mass destruction that you can turn your arms into...
From claws that shred apart everything in there path, to a giant arm-sword that cleaves bodies in two...

This awesomely gory game is not for those who want a story, in fact the story comprises completely of kill this and kill that, and if you do the story directly, it doesn't take very long at all maybe 5 hours for the better players out there...
with only 31 story missions, most being "go here, kill this, run here, kill that, escape to this point, done" it does not take long at all to complete.

But there are many side events, including "consume events (consume a target and do the designated task, from consuming multiple more targets to destroying an enemy base)"; "sprinting events (collect all the land marks as fast as you can); "war events (help a side {infected or military} destroy the opposing forces)"; and many more...

The whole game makes you feel invincible, where you gain health by consuming people which kills them... so... kill people... gain health... become invincible... but you are able to die, and on the harder settings most likely will... you will be having so much fun slaughtering everyone that you don't notice the 100s of bullets slowly eating away at your health... believe me, it's happened to me on a few occasions... for those of you who have played the game you know exactly what I'm talking about.

A very entertaining game for the summer, and if you have the money you should go out and buy it...
For those of you who haven't seen the video yet...

/* */

Posted by RadicalDylan - May 22nd, 2009

I found a cockroach skittering on the counter top today...
It crawled into a little opening it found but it didn't go anywhere, and his butt was sticking out of the hole...
So i grabbed it by its wings in the back...
As i was about to kill it, i decided to have some fun with this cockroach... hey i'm going to kill it anway...

1) taped its hind legs to the floor and watched it struggle to escape...
2) put it in a box with my cat... My cat proceeded to move around really fast within the box...
3) Put it in a smaller box and shook it around
4) put it under water
5) put it in another box and stuck it in the freezer
6) held it hostage above the toilet...
7) attempted to drop it in a toilet because no one was paying me

The cockroach then glided and missed the toilet...
I now have an escaped cockroach running through my house with a $20 ransom on its wings...
If anyone spots it, return it to the department of Cockroaches at the corner of Coksimy road.

By the way! - COCK!! - ROACH!! - hahahaha!!

CockRoach Fun...

Posted by RadicalDylan - May 4th, 2009

A lady in the united states was driving when a cop pulled her over,
he stated that he had to confiscate her license plate for being improper.

A tow truck was called and the car was picked up.
The lady was dropped off at a motel, and her car was taken to the impound.

She just claims that she was professing her love for tofu...
But she still hasn't had her car returned.

The license plate said:

the letter 'F' and 'U' right next to eachother has now been banned on any license plates in the US.

Banned In the US

Posted by RadicalDylan - April 26th, 2009

I Attempted to make a video...
And sadly...
As my first video it failed miserably...
but it was a rushed experiment and then i wanted to experiment with the API flash...
So notably it is junk and should not be considered at all...

If you actually want to look at it...
(I suggest you don't...)
Click Here
It is rated 1.27/5.00
So don't take it seriously...

Any Way...
to the point...
I am working on a point and click game called "School of the Damned"
I am trying to remain entirely on scenery so it will look a lot better...

If anyone has any suggestions for things that i could include in this game, while remaining with the 'title'... Do share...

I will have more pictures of the project in the near future so i can get suggestions on what i could do to increase the graphics...
...But with my hischool work, and Computer Programming College Classes it will come slowly and only during my free time...

I'm an unknown artist that none of you have really heard of before, even though I've been in the background of newgrounds for a very long time...
I'm back now, with Flash Software, and now it is my turn to contribute to this wonderful site.

New Game Title