i love madness but.....
if your a true madness fan... you would know that even though madness has a slight story line to it... not many people pay attention to its story line, because there is so much action...
madness was (or should i say is) known for its fast paced action, and not much of a story line, and esspecially no jokes,
all you action took a wile and you had very little of it, also that soda can kill took a little to long, instead of having the guy sleeping, you should have had him drinking the sode, and then the main charater put his hand under the soda and force it into his forhead at a real fast motion, then have more people come in and have the guy with the soda's gun get picked up bye the main character,
just some advice if you decide to make another one....
don't feel offended by my low score. i vote low on almost everything.